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What is
Playground ATX?

Not "Just" a restaurant -

A dynamic platform for culinary creatives.

A launchpad for gastronomic entrepreneurs.

A dedicated partner to our vibrant local community.


  • Playground ATX Facebook
  • Playground ATX Instagram
Playground ATX Chameleon
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current headliner

East Meets Wings Logo

This innovative dining experience draws inspiration from the diverse and culturally rich cuisines of Indonesia, India, Thailand, China, Japan, Philippines, and Vietnam.  Our team of talented chefs has crafted a menu that pays homage to the authentic flavors while incorporating modern twists and creative influences.

  • East Meets Wings Facebook
  • East Meets Wings Instagram
"I have learned so much from my team. Not only from what they do, or what they thought but also from who they are. With this great support, I am very excited with my journey at Playground. I feel confident that my passion for food and hospitality and team will create a lot of amazing concepts. "

Trang Phan,

General Manager Playground ATX

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Mon - Tues


Wed - Fri

4pm – 9pm

11am - 9pm


11am - 8pm

Order Now! Spinner
Playground ATX Chameleon


5001 Airport Blvd
Austin, TX 78751

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